CIRCLING in action

Featured video: See Martina Bex's brilliant video explaining how circling has evolved and how she uses it in her classroom.

To Circle or Not to Circle

By Judith Dubois

TPRS workshop slides
A great resource with excellent Circling examples starting on slide 22
by Liam Printer

Ideas & REsourCes

Flashcard it, you should not
by Terry Waltz

A great conversation about circling and TPRS in the Mandarin setting

Circling Handouts

Martina Bex offers a great free handout for Circling.
Circling Guide on TPT

TPRS Books has created the following resources for circling
Circling Spinner
One Sentence at a Time - Circling guide/practice

Susan Gross has a comprehensive TPRS handout that includes a how-to of circling on the last page